Jeremiah 29:11  Psalm 90:17
May, 9

What is a vintage motorcycle?

On paper a vintage motorcycle is “Classic, vintage or antique motorcycles are generally at least 25 years old and look the way they were intended to when first manufactured or built. Depending on the insurer, classic bikes as young as 20 years old can be considered vintage, but this isn’t always the case”

How ever something that a definition can’t describe or provide is the experience, riding a vintage motorcycle is a very unique experience filled with imperfect sounds and smells, and the most important thing for many is the vibrations a air cooled engine is capable con producing; that combines with the smell of fuel and provide you with a complete experience.

Vintage motorcycles are true motorcycling true to the origins of motorcycling over 150 years ago.  When you have the basics of motorcycling you don’t need speed or technology, the average speed of a vintage motorcycle will insist on you to take in your surroundings and enjoy the view.

Motorcycling is not about speed, at least not entirely; true and vintage motorcycling is more about the opportunity to explore your neighborhood or an entire continent in very personal way, with the wind in your face, every sense in your body es exited and touched buy the ride, and no “Trac Mode” or “Ride mode “will get in your way, its just about you and your machine.

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